Wolves v Sunderland

Wolves v Sunderland

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Wolves fans aim for Stanford Bridge

Seven wolves fans are aiming to represent wolves at the lucozade fans five tournament due to be held at the home of Chelsea.
The natinowide competition puts group of fans against each other to see who can get the most votes.
Currently the Wolves fans group named Henrys Dirty Tackle are near the top gathering over a hundred votes so far.
This is the perfect opportunity for fans to get behing the group of home and away season ticket holders.
Squad member Jon Hague said "Putting on the famous gold and black would be a dream come true and it would be an honour to run out at Stanford Bridge with the Liquidator playing.”
Log onto the facebook app at http://apps.facebook.com/lucozadefansfives/
Fans who vote will be put into a draw to win a signed Wolves shirt.
As part of the challenge the boys have to make weekly videos this weeks is on matchday experiences,teamtalk and chairman of the day.
Get behind the lads and see Wolves fans represented at Stanford Bridge.

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